Saturday, March 20, 2021

Rough Day for the Neighborhood #SOL21

I am going to try to unload some unsettling news from yesterday in 6-word chunks (inspiration from another slicer).  I wanted to write a poem, but I did not feel like it was poetic.  I feel like it is raw, puzzling, and unsettling and all I can do is spit it out.   Nothing makes sense.

Something happened in my neighborhood yesterday.

Helicopters were flying around the area.

They were low and loud, too close.

A text came from a friend,

"Rough day for the neighborhood," What??

Around the corner on our walking route,

a 49-year-old mother and

her 12-year-old daughter were

found dead at 7:30 a.m. at home.

Father and brother are not suspects.

Isolated incident; no threat to community

It was a "very difficult scene."

More death too close to home.

Trying to make sense of it

is so damn scary, no words.

I am participating in the Two Writing Teachers March Slice of Life Challenge.


  1. I love the format you chose to process this event in your writing. I hate that your community is suffering. I'm so sorry that happened.

  2. Six words at a time is a very healing way to release this tragedy. Terrifying and sad! I am so sorry for you and your community. Truly unsettling and painful.

  3. Thanks for sharing. I like this format because it access the raw emotion without overwhelming.

  4. What a tragic event. You chose a good format to share your clipped thoughts in this moment. Do write a poem later. Poetry is often raw, puzzling, and unsettling.

  5. Very raw with emotion as you try to process this unsettling and tragic event. The format mirrored your own thoughts.

  6. I feel your suffering. I wish I could be there to help with the healing. I'm sure there are many of us who feel like we want to be there to help, to help heal.

  7. Unfortunately, I am aware of your story because I must live in a neighboring town. Your format of telling the story was perfect given the senseless and tragic nature of the incident.

  8. This is the second post that I've read today mentioning this incident. Six word lines suits the thoughts about such a tragedy well, clarifying the facts and leaving the feeling up to the reader. So sad...


Poop Notes #SOL

I hate when the kids leave.  I fight to keep the tears at bay.  I strive to stay productive.  However, a blanket of sadness usually wraps ar...